The Witch’s Cat

The Witch’s Cat This eerie pat­tern blends mag­ic and mys­ti­cism in a visu­al incan­ta­tion to unleash your dark side. Inspired by all things occult and oth­er­world­ly, this goth­ic greyscale design is a cel­e­bra­tion of wic­can tra­di­tion, Samhain — the Celtic fes­ti­val of fire — and Hallowe’en — per­fect for enchant­ed autumn evenings. This sur­face pat­tern desing… Read More

Kidwear Pattern Design

Kidswear Fash­ion 2014–2017 PATTERN DESIGN & ILLUSTRATION For the past 7 years I have been work­ing in the kidswear fash­ion indus­try under the cre­ative direc­tion of Noo-Stu­dio. Ini­tial­ly I was employed as an illus­tra­tor but quick­ly devel­oped a pas­sion for pat­terns. Hence, I began gain­ing expe­ri­ence as a sur­face design­er through pat­tern devel­op­ment and design, explo­ration of draw­ing tech­niques and learn­ing about… Read More

Figure Drawing

Fig­ure Draw­ing explor­ing themes of human body and expres­sion Per­son­al­ly, my draw­ings are a study of how the human body in motion can cre­ate emo­tion­al­ly charged imagery. I am inter­est­ed in pos­es that alike fig­u­ra­tive sculp­tures, are evoca­tive of psy­cho­log­i­cal dis­po­si­tion.  A shape and pose of human body can con­vey a whole array of expe­ri­ences. In order to… Read More

MA Exhibition

‘MA’ EXHIBITION was the result of a col­lab­o­ra­tion between myself, TASTE Shop and Noo-Stu­dio. It was pro­duced in TASTE Stu­dio, dur­ing March 2014 res­i­den­cy and ran between the 11th of April and 13th of May 2014, in TASTE Shop’s exhi­bi­tion space in Tian Zi Fang (Shang­hai). The “MA” exhi­bi­tion is based on the idea of com­pli­men­ta­ry con­trasts: West­ern and East­ern cultures… Read More

King of Spades

King of Spades   As an entry to Play­ing Arts Com­pe­ti­tion, I was allo­cat­ed the card of “King Of Spades”, which I had to rep­re­sent. The illus­tra­tion I cre­at­ed was done in black and white and com­bined tra­di­tion­al (pen­cil) with dig­i­tal, lin­ear draw­ing. My inter­pre­ta­tion of the King of Spades por­trays him charg­ing into peril,… Read More