Winter Evergreens

This intri­cate win­ter inspired sur­face pat­tern col­lec­tion invites you to bring the out­side in in true Scan­di style. A lush tapes­try of flo­ra is inter­laced with twine and spiced with the warm­ing scent of sweet star anise, evok­ing all the sens­es in the spir­it of the season. 

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Stag Beetle

Stag Bee­tle This sur­face pat­tern set is a response to an “Opu­lent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and stud­ies their ornate detail­ing. This often results in craft­ing these bugs into mir­ror imagery and kalei­do­scop­ic arrange­ments. This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence through… Read More

Feather Horned Beetle

Feath­er Horned Bee­tle This sur­face pat­tern set is a response to an “Opu­lent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and stud­ies their ornate detail­ing. This often results in craft­ing these bugs into mir­ror imagery and kalei­do­scop­ic arrange­ments. This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence… Read More

Polka Dot Beetle Insect

Pol­ka Dot Bee­tle This sur­face pat­tern set is a response to an “Opu­lent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and stud­ies their ornate detail­ing. This often results in craft­ing these bugs into mir­ror imagery and kalei­do­scop­ic arrange­ments. This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence… Read More

Longhorn Beetle

Long­horn Bee­tle This sur­face pat­tern set is a response to an “Opu­lent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and stud­ies their ornate detail­ing. This often results in craft­ing these bugs into mir­ror imagery and kalei­do­scop­ic arrange­ments. This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence through… Read More

Scarab Beetle

Gold­en Scarabaeus This sur­face pat­tern set is a response to an “Opu­lent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and stud­ies their ornate detail­ing. This often results in craft­ing these bugs into mir­ror imagery and kalei­do­scop­ic arrange­ments. This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence through… Read More

Rorschach Beetle

Rorschach Bee­tle This sur­face pat­tern set is a response to an “Opu­lent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and stud­ies their ornate detail­ing. This often results in craft­ing these bugs into mir­ror imagery and kalei­do­scop­ic arrange­ments.  This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence through… Read More

The Witch’s Cat

The Witch’s Cat This eerie pat­tern blends mag­ic and mys­ti­cism in a visu­al incan­ta­tion to unleash your dark side. Inspired by all things occult and oth­er­world­ly, this goth­ic greyscale design is a cel­e­bra­tion of wic­can tra­di­tion, Samhain — the Celtic fes­ti­val of fire — and Hallowe’en — per­fect for enchant­ed autumn evenings. This sur­face pat­tern desing… Read More