Woodland Scene
This pattern was inspired by a vision of a idyllic woodland setting full of trees and bushes intermingled with its’ various wildlife inhabitants. It was deliberately portrayed in a silhouette, paper cut-out manner to evoke a tradition of old Fable illustrations.
This project was a part of my ongoing collaboration with Kidspattern. If you’d like to learn more about them please visit their website HERE. Alternatively, view the archive of our previous projects HERE, in which I discuss in detail the history and nature of our work.
All clothing-mockups presented here are provided courtesy of Kidspattern and are used for visualisation purposes only.

Brief Overview
Showcase of a pattern development series designed with Kidspattern as a part of a commission for a kidswear client’s for Autumn Winter Collection.
Second design in a group inspired by the theme of an enchanted forest. In contrast to The “Peacock Forest” (view HERE), the “Woodland Scene” design is aimed at younger age group therefore its colour palette is soft, neutral and monochromatic. This time the forest is portrayed through a fairytale prism making it a perfect fit for a bedtime story.
Since this design was aimed at the newborn and baby age groups, I also opted for flat, simplified drawings and kept the colour palette quite plain, sticking to a set of neutrals matched with blending yellows.
Below please feel free to browse through a selection of few various colour ways and arrangement alternatives.
Main Version
Here is a full-print, smaller-size pattern that focuses on the animals. They are highlighted in a shade of deep-yellow. They speckle the plain, white background and the pattern is rounded-out with further complimentary arboreal elements.
Version 1
This alternative version has the elements arranged into regular clusters, with plenty of space around each one. This made the design feel lighter and more delicate.
Colour Background
Lastly, this version is set against a rich, dark-yellow background. The silhouettes are positioned along a more linear narrative, are larger in size, but blend into the setting more.
Printed Product
Below, please browse through a slideshow selection of various examples of the “Woodland Scene” pattern in print. These items were produced for the Kids Autumn-Winter Collection (18 – 36 months age-group). Here you may observe how the pattern was used and printed across multiple items, for example a hooded gilet and a jumper.
Please note that these images are provided courtesy of the client and Kidspattern and are used for portfolio purposes only.